

    Update on Streptococcus pneumoniae associated hemolytic uremic syndrome

    发布于:2013年4月8日    文字:【】【】【

    urrent Opinion in Pediatrics, 2013 Apr

    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Streptococcus pneumoniae associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (SpHUS) is defined by the occurrence of acute hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute kidney injury in a patient with a S. pneumoniae infection. We review the pathophysiology, clinical course, treatment and prognosis for SpHUS. We also describe an expanded classification system that uses additional diagnostic criteria to identify more patients with a high likelihood of having SpHUS.

    RECENT FINDINGS: SpHUS often may be underdiagnosed because of overlapping features with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and the lack of strict diagnostic criteria. The epidemiology has changed with the emergence of different pneumococcal serotypes as newer pneumococcal vaccines have been introduced.

    SUMMARY: SpHUS accounts for 5-15% of all HUS cases. The majority of SpHUS patients have pneumonia and a low mortality rate in contrast to those with meningitis, who have a more severe clinical course. Although the pathogenesis of SpHUS remains unknown, the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen seems to play a central role. S. pneumoniae produces neuraminidase, thereby exposing the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen on the surface of cell membranes. Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen exposure can result in hemolysis and direct endothelial injury leading to HUS phenotype. Early identification of these patients is critical so that fresh frozen plasma may be avoided

    侵袭性肺炎链球菌感染中0.4-0.6%合并溶血尿毒综合征(SpHUS);SpHUS多见于儿童,特别是2岁以下。SpHUS确切发病机制不清,目前比较公认的为:正常情况下,在红细胞、血小板、肾小球和肝细胞表面存在未暴露的Thomsen-Friedenreich抗原(T-F抗原),在正常人血清中早存在针对T-F抗原的IgM自身抗体;所有血清型的肺炎链球菌均能产生神经氨酸酶,该酶可以剪切细胞膜表面的糖蛋白,从而导致T-F抗原暴露; T-F抗原与抗体结合后,导致红细胞聚集、溶血、直接内皮细胞损伤,从而出现HUS的临床病理表现;因此,SpHUS患者(约90%Coombs’试验阳性,Coombs’试验阳性对于诊断SpHUS灵敏性高,但特异性差。其他产神经氨酸酶的病原体(如A型流感病毒)也可以引起HUS。只有部分肺炎链球菌感染患者出现HUS,推测其可能与产生的神经氨酸酶量多相关,也可能部分与细菌的神经氨酸酶的基因型相关。但是,不支持上述理论的是:天然存在的针对T-F抗原的IgM抗体是冷凝集蛋白,不太可能会引起红细胞聚集和激活补体。最近的研究发现,SpHUS发病可能与H因子相关:神经氨酸酶可以使H因子的C端去唾液酸化,从而干扰H因子与生物表面的结合;另外,肺炎链球菌血清型3表达Hic蛋白,可以结合H因子,从而抑制H因子的功能;血清型2表达PspCPneumococcal surface protein C),可以结合H因子和补体。


    SpHUS的诊断非常困难,因为需和DIC鉴别,或者部分病人为SpHUSDIC同时存在。PTFIB对于二者的鉴别有重要作用。CopelovitchKaplan提出改良SpHUS诊断:(1definite cases:侵袭性肺炎链球菌感染、HUS特征和除外DIC;(2probable:侵袭性肺炎链球菌感染、HUSDIC表现和Coombs’试验阳性;(3possible:有感染(具体病原体不清)、HUS表现、Coombs’试验阳性(或除外DIC)。

